Tuesday, July 15, 2008

husband's birthday

My husband and I attended a 50th birthday party a little while ago. He stated emphatically as the days grew closer to the event that I should not even think to give him a surprise birthday party celebrating his half century mark. He made me cross my heart, swear on the bible, pinkie promise, and a dozen other little 9 year old kid covenants that i would not even let the thought of throwing 50th party garnish my thoughts. And because he is my spouse I am going to honor that. Of course he said nothing about his 49th birthday; which happens to be in 10 days. Which causes me to wonder 1. why would anyone give someone a 50th birthday party; everyone knows that this is the year to have a birthday party to knock the support hose off but because all are expecting it then why do it. It is suppose to be a surprise is it not? and no one is really surprised. example our friends wife took birthday boy out to dinner; normal thing to do, he had no reason to suspect that he was in for an evening of embarassment (sp, I am embarassed to say that I am never 100 percent sure how to spell embarrassment!) anyway this friend was not in fear of a birthday surprise but then AFTER dinner; settled back in the passenger seat (which should have been a warning as the birthday boy never sat in the passenger seat) he was blindsided by being blindfolded (why did he not rip off the eye cover?; because he is a good sport; he was turning 50 and this was the surprise party that he knew he would get but no one told him he was getting thus making it a surprise!) He was then driven around several blocks for several minutes, turning left ,right ,reverse, up hills, down alley's (he peeked just once when the car quickly halted.) Finally, arriving at the gathering place, tripping up the stairs causing a few excited giggles from the audience trying to be quiet until the lights came up, (why he did not peek going up the stairs means he is a little dumb.) then SHAZAM surprise! the crowd shouted (mostly because we were starving!) the birthday guest laughed heartily (a bit too heartily suggesting he really was not surprised at all) and the evening continued with jokes about growing up, viagra, geritol, and ear hair. Growing old stinks. As we left the evening with our pockets full of sweaty confectioners treats I again asked my husband if he would like to pretend to be surprised at a fiftieth birthday party. He answered "sure...whose party shall I pretend to be surprised at?" After I corrected his grammar I started planning his 49th birthday which truly will be a surprise. He'll love it and even thank me for it. ya think?


buttercupbugs said...

When's the party??? Can I help?? And WHEN are you going to quit this taco stand???? xo

melodee said...

Jane, honey, haven't you learned, you let your grown up kids throw their dad a 50th birthday party! It's great, you don't have to do the work and they get the blame!
Ha ha, hope his 49th was great. Tell him hi and we love you both.